Monthly Archives: August 2011

Gerendiain, Spain August 25, 2011


Today, the intrepid hiker that I am, walked all of 3.5 miles… That’s rounding UP, of course!  I’m sure I would have walked to the next town had it not been raining cats and dogs!  You know, I’m just starting out and really have no desire to kill myself doing this!   Really.  And I still have the excuse that I am recovering from my illness!  I’m going milk that one for all it’s worth!

The terrain around here is very hilly.  Going UP hill has its challenges in the cardiovascular range, but going downhill is actually even more of a challenge, especially in the rain.  There were long stretches where I only dared move six inches with each step, for fear of losing traction.  

It was slow going.  And I am slow.  I was passed by dozens of people.  I’m actually convinced I was passed by one couple TWICE and I don’t know how that is possible when I didn’t pass anyone myself!  LOL!

Now, of course, it is early afternoon and pleasantly sunny and breezy and I’m wishing I were still walking.

I am in yet another tiny little Basque village.  This one smaller than the last, but at least it has a grocery store, which the last one did not.

Grocery stores are helpful!  And cheaper (and perhaps safer than buying the full “pilgrims” menu at whatever passes for a restaurant in these tiny little towns.  

Cows and cow pastures dominate the landscape.  The trail has mostly been wooded breaks between cow pastures